UIC - Edelstone Lounge
Chicago, Illinois
Project Description
UIC was looking to convert an existing student area located in a 14,000 square-foot basement into a functional and comfortable student center.
Mekus Tanager was selected to assist UIC’s project committee comprised of students and administrators to create the Sigmund E. Edelstone Medical Student Center.
The goal of the project, identified by the committee, included incorporating dedicated areas for various activities, such as group and individual studying, relaxing, eating, and a computer lab; and for security reasons, the floor plan also had to allow the students the ability to see who was entering and moving through the space. In addition to creating a comfortable, flexible and safe environment, the design had to respond to the technological needs of the students and the materials had to be durable and easily maintainable.
Because the lounge was located in the basement, the design team was also particularly challenged with delivering appropriate light levels to the areas as defined by their functions, including track lighting in the lounge, task lighting in the study carrels and indirect lighting in the computer labs.
The Edelstone Lounge gives UIC a competitive edge in attracting students, faculty, and donors. The Edelstone Lounge was also featured on the cover of Color, Environment, & Human Response by Frank H. Mahnke.
Quick Facts
- Client: University of Illinois at Chicago
- Project Size: 14,000 S/F
- Services Performed: Interior Design
- Publications: Cover of Color, Environment, & Human Response by Frank H. Mahnke
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